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Dúfam, že nikoho nerozúrim, ak hneď na začiatku na rovinu prehlásim, že veľká časť (možno dokonca tá väčšia časť) úvah súčasných čarodejov o kvantovej mágii, multiverse v mágii atď. vychádza z myšlienok Terryho Pratchetta. Jedna z kľúčových statí na túto tému sa nachádza v jeho knihe Lords and Ladies, kde okrem iného píše: „What is magic? Then there is the witches‘ explanation, which comes in two forms, depending on the age of the witch. Older witches hardly put words to it at all, but may suspect in their hearts that the universe really doesn’t know what the hell is going on and consists of a zillion trillion billion possibilities, and could become any one of them if a trained mind rigid with quantum certainty was inserted in the crack and twisted; that, if you really had to make someone’s hat explode, all you needed to do was twist into that universe where a large number of hat molecules all decide at the same time to bounce off in different directions.“ ([Lords and ladies]).